
香港觀鳥會成立於1957年,是一個旨在欣賞及保育香港鳥類及其自然生態的本地民間組織。2002年,香港觀鳥會更被認可成為一個公共性質的慈善機構。該會舉辦攝影展的一大目的,是透過攝影讓更多人關注自然生態,認真看待保育問題。很高興Trail Studio能為展覽出一分力,以我們一貫高品質印製相片及作出相關贊助。

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Sailor 1911 Standard / Sailor Profit Standard Demonstrator Fountain Pen Review

This is a great c/c demonstrator pen, and for people with big hands, it is especially excel as an EDC pen: small thus handy, with a little bit of heft but not heavy, most importantly it writes really well. It is eye-catching with its crystal clear body and gold trims, and people can easily tell it’s a fountain pen – a good tool for fountain pen addicts to reveal their identity!

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